Stéphane Dion on Education

His convention speech on Friday included the following:
"But it takes more than tax breaks. The sustainable economy is, above all, a knowledge economy. We need to invest in the skills and talents of all Canadians, in our colleges and universities, in our students. We need to better link the lab and the market. We need to get Canadian ideas into the marketplace more quickly."As Paul Wells notes, Dion explained his idea of the knowledge economy in more detail in a speech he delivered in Vancouver last May.
I was going to link to a video clip of Dion speaking about his time as a university professor, but when I checked the source code of his video conversations web page, I found a hidden file, not visible on the website itself, in which Dion answers the question: "What is you [sic] policy on post-secondary education?". I copied the video clip and put it on youtube so it can be viewed below. I don't know why this is hidden on Dion's official site.
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